Sunday, February 17, 2008

Travis should not have gotten this started...

It was he, after all, who started us down the path to sustainability and localism by giving out copies of Deep Economy. After that came Omnivore's Dilemma and now I just finished The Small-Mart Revolution. Now I cannot sleep at night. When I do I dream about what we could do to awaken Glasgow so that everyone can experience this epiphany. There are so many things that need doing. We need to study where money leaks out of our economy. We need to help everyone understand those leaks. We need a database of truly local businesses. We need a way to make sure everyone knows about them. We need to help everyone understand why we should be bending over backwards to patronize those businesses. We need to form a database of businesses that we need to plug the money leaking out. We need, we need, we need. This is really more than we can expect Stephen Biggers to take on by himself.

In fact, the more I think about it. I don't know how many people it would take to really start making a dent in all of this. Want to get together and tilt at windmills?

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